Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Main stories in Tuesday's World Today

AAP General News (Australia)
Main stories in Tuesday's World Today

SYDNEY, Aug 17 AAP - Main stories in Tuesday's World Today:

* International aid agencies and the Pakistani government have warned that outbreaks
of disease and escalating starvation from the country's worst floods on record could lead
to countless more deaths and drive support for the Taliban. Foreign Minister Stephen Smith
says Pakistan will overcome its security problems when its economic situation strengthens,
which is why Australia has decided to increase its aid budget for the country following
the disastrous floods.

* Prime Minister Julia Gillard has expressed her support for an Australian republic,
but says due to the strong national ties to Queen Elizabeth the time for a changeover
should come when switching monarchs. Speaking in the marginal seat of Herbert, Ms Gillard
dodged tricky questions about the national broadband network and restated her challenge
to Opposition Leader Tony Abbott for a debate on the economy.

* Many health professionals have expressed disappointment at what they perceive is
Labor and the coalition's major policy focus on hospitals in their health reforms at the
expense of primary and community care. Mental health advocates say the coalition has the
support of many in the industry as its committed the most money to mental health, whereas
the government has simply promised to introduce a new scheme within its term without offering
any specifics.

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