Friday, March 2, 2012

FBI investigates two cases in the Rochester area

Lucas George Wickes, 25, of Rochester, has been sentenced by U.S.District Court Judge David G. Larimer to 46 months in prison forabusive sexual contact on the high seas.

Wickes was also ordered to pay $2,667 in restitution.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Tiffany H. Lee said Wickes admitted thaton Jan. 1, 2007, while on board the Disney "Wonder" departing fromPort Canaveral, Fla. to the Caribbean, he knowingly engaged insexual contact with a 13-year-old girl by threatening her withserious bodily injury.

The girl and her family boarded the ship on Dec. 31, 2006. Thatevening, the girl went to the ship's teen club with some otherminors she had met. After the club closed, the minor and hercompanions were approached by Wickes who ordered them to return totheir rooms. The defendant told the victim to follow him and shedid, believing him to be a security officer with the cruise ship.After the defendant led her to a remote spot in the rear of theship, he engaged in sexual contact her.

The sentence was the culmination of an investigation on the partof the FBI under the direction of Special Agent in Charge JamesRobertson who also investigated another matter which led to ThomasBurlingame, 31, of Bloomfield, being charged with receiving anddistributing child pornography, a charge which carries a maximumterm of 20 years in prison, a $250,000 fine or both.

Assistant U.S. Attorney John J. Field said that according to thecriminal complaint, Burlingame used his computer to access anddistribute child pornography over the Internet for approximatelyseven years. Earlier this month, special agents executed a searchwarrant and seized a computer from the defendant's home. A forensicanalysis revealed graphic images, some involving victims as young as8 years old.

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